IRLP Status Page as of 04/19/2024 22:23:22 UTC (04/19 15:23 PST)

IRLP Node Codes and locations
IRLP Node detail

Node Number4316
Node CallsignK9KLD
Node CityMaryville
Node Province/StateIL
Node CountryUSA
Node Owner/SponsorJeff Uchitjil      Ask a Question
Node Latitude38.7337155 North
Node Longitude89.960616 West
Node Base Frequency (MHz)443.2000
Node Offset Frequency (KHz)0.0000
Node CTCSS (Hz)/DCS 103.50
AVRS StatusU
Node Website URL
Local node date/time17:23:22 on Apr 19 2024 CDT
Current Node Status:Extended Down for 699 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes, 19 seconds.
Last heard from Node:07:05:03 on May 21 2022 CDT

Mapping options (Primary Only):Interactive mapper

Public Node Access procedures, Coverage and other info:

The node is open to anyone that would like to use it, however all IRLP commands 
do require a prefix.

To connect to a node/reflector, prefix the node/reflector number with either an A 
*.  For example, A4316 or *4316 would dial node 4316.

To disconnect, use either A73 or #.